Wednesday, February 17, 2010

#76 place

On the long dirt road that took us to our favorite fishing hole there was many different birds flying around in the sky. The screeches of their sharp voices sliced through the air like a knife! There was a slight hum from the engine of our beat up midnight black pick-up truck. The truck, made in 1989, still ran in pretty good condition. My father loved to work on his truck, always finding new ways to make it look better or improve it in someway. The tires on the truck seemed to slice through the dirt on the road as if it were as soft as the clouds in the sky. There were many beautiful butterflies and bugs playing in the soft sunlight as it danced on road in front of us. The air was refreshing, you could smell the cool waterfall just on the other side of the lake. The fish downstream from the thunderous waterfall were very plentyfull, and grew very large. We would sit in the musty old canoe for hours just waiting for that one special bit! The fish that we all wanted so bad to catch, was of course, the one that our grandpa had told us story's about! It was rumored to be 3 feet and 60 pounds, a real whopper of a fish! We loved to sit around the musky campfire during those hot summer nights, rosting hot dogs and marshmallows, and hearing about that fish that every fisherman wanted so badly to catch for himself. The lake that we loved so much had some wonderful wildlife that called its rough waters and smooth sandy beach home. At any given point in your adventure fishing on the lake you could spot some very hungry fish nipping the surface of the water looking for food. Many slippery turtles wonder by on their way home through the warm waters. There may even be a few snakes to watch out for as they slither on by. The cool murky water is perfect for slipping your toes into after a long day of fishing in the hot sun. The silky water tickling my feet like velvet was a nice end to the day before the journey back down the dusty counrty road that led us to home.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous work with description, Heide! This piece could be the prewriting to your Descriptive Essay.
