Wednesday, February 10, 2010

#14 Brush with danger

It was a beautiful day, the wind slightly blowing the warm eighty something degree air past my face. I worked for a small car company doing repos and random other things. As I walked up the side walk to a customers house I remember thinking how wonderful it was outside and how I wished I could just get this guys money and go home for the day. I was really hoping things would go smoothly, my boss had called the guy and made arrangements for me to come and pick up the payment. My boss thought everything was routine that's why he sent me and only me. I wish that were the case, but in reality I was in for a surprise. As I walked to the door my hands started to get clammy, my legs started to slightly tremble, so many thoughts racing through my head all at once. All I could think about was all of the horror stories I hear from the guys at the shop about doing collections, the crazy people, and situations they have encountered. I calmed myself and knocked on the door, a woman's voice called back "come in". Suddenly I felt a sense of relief come over me, maybe because I heard a sweet woman's voice on the other side of the door. I thought to myself that nothing bad could happen. I have never been so wrong in my life. I should have never came in the hose, the boss always told me to never go in a house, make them come to the door or outside. They said that once in the door they could do anything they wanted to me and no one would no what was going on. I stepped into the house and a lady slammed the door behind me and started yelling at her husband. I tried to leave but she was in the way. I could not see the guy my boss had talked to anywhere, I don't know if he was even there. The woman kept yelling that he should have never got the car and they could not make the payments, but she was not willing to let the car get repoed either. They had hidden the car somewhere. She was in my face screaming about how she would never let me take food out of her kids mouth and she probably called me every bad name you could think of in a lifetime. After a few minutes of that I started to try real hard to leave. At that point things went south real fast. She began to get real violent with me, pushing and spitting. She never stopped screaming at me. I was scared, I had no idea what to do. I really did not want to make this woman any more upset. She started going through kitchen drawers looking for god knows what, at that time I realized that she had moved away from the door, but I had to get to it, unlock the dead bolt and the handle then get out before she got to me. I looked over at her and noticed she was looking through knives and still yelling how she would never pay that we would pay for putting her through this. It was then I knew that I had to get out of there so I turned and ran. As I started to unlock the door she through a knife. I darted out of the door faster than I have ever ran. I saw a man out mowing his lawn across the street so I just ran for him as fast as I could. When I reached him I looked back and she had turned and gone back in her house. I asked the man to call 911, he did and surprisingly she stayed at the house until the cops got there. When the cops did arrive they arrested her and told me that she had a history of mental illness and could not afford her meds. I dropped to my knees and thanked god for not letting me die in there.

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