Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#17 The first time I defied my parents.

Through my life experiences I have come to realize that there is not one person that has not or does not bend the truth for one reason or another. These are what I consider to be "white lies". The first time I every truly lied to my parents was when I was sixteen. My best friend Heather and I wanted to go to Burlington Iowa for a Backstreet Boys concert. I had just got my license and my parents bought me a brand new Ford Probe for my birthday. I wanted to drive there for the concert so bad but I knew my mom and dad would say no. I sat down with Heather and thought for days on what to do, what could I tell my parents that would make them let me go. After droping hints to my parents for a few days I realize that no matter what I told them they were not going to let me go. They wouldn't even have let me go if I wasn't driving. I had to go, there was no way I could miss this concert. I had to tell my perents that I was going to stay at a friends for the weekend, but who. It had to be sombody that lived far enough away that they wouldn't want to come check up on me but at the same time my mom and dad had to trust them enough to not want to call and verify it was ok with there parents. That made things hard. Heather lived right down the road from me and her parents talked to my parents all the time so I couldnt use her. I thought long and hard, finally I had It. I asked my friend Mandy to help me. She lived in the next town over and my parents loved her, they would believe anything she said. I talked her in to going to my house after school the weekend before the concert so we could ask my parents if I could go to a slumber party at Mandy's house the weekend of the concert. I knew if she went with me to ask permission my mom and dad would say yes, and they did. I also knew if she asked them they would believe her and not ask any questions or call her parents. So that was it, the lie was in place, I was going to Iowa. I was so excited, it worked, I couldn't believe it. Up till this point I had never really lied to my parents before so once the initial excitment went away I started to feel bad. I got real paranoid. I couldn't help but wonder what they would do if they found out, and how bad it would hurt them. I couldn't stop envisioning the look on my dad's face, and the disappointment in his eyes. I started to second guess going. I talked to Mandy about not going and she said she had my back, not to worry about my parents, and to go and have fun with Heather. I should not have went though thats for sure. Heather and I made it there and back ok and we had a blast at the concert. I came back home on Sunday and my parents didn't know anything. I felt like I had got away with it. About a month later my parents were talking to Heathers mom, her mom happend to mention somthing about Heather and I going to the concert. At that point my mom and dad found everything out. They confronted me when I came home from school that day and I have never felt worse than I did that day. They told me they knew and how disappointed they were, that was about it. Then dad woulden't even talk to me for over a week. I had done the one thing I never wanted to do, I hurt my dad, even worse I had brought my friend Mandy into it to.

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