Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#17 The first time I defied my parents.

Through my life experiences I have come to realize that there is not one person that has not or does not bend the truth for one reason or another. These are what I consider to be "white lies". The first time I every truly lied to my parents was when I was sixteen. My best friend Heather and I wanted to go to Burlington Iowa for a Backstreet Boys concert. I had just got my license and my parents bought me a brand new Ford Probe for my birthday. I wanted to drive there for the concert so bad but I knew my mom and dad would say no. I sat down with Heather and thought for days on what to do, what could I tell my parents that would make them let me go. After droping hints to my parents for a few days I realize that no matter what I told them they were not going to let me go. They wouldn't even have let me go if I wasn't driving. I had to go, there was no way I could miss this concert. I had to tell my perents that I was going to stay at a friends for the weekend, but who. It had to be sombody that lived far enough away that they wouldn't want to come check up on me but at the same time my mom and dad had to trust them enough to not want to call and verify it was ok with there parents. That made things hard. Heather lived right down the road from me and her parents talked to my parents all the time so I couldnt use her. I thought long and hard, finally I had It. I asked my friend Mandy to help me. She lived in the next town over and my parents loved her, they would believe anything she said. I talked her in to going to my house after school the weekend before the concert so we could ask my parents if I could go to a slumber party at Mandy's house the weekend of the concert. I knew if she went with me to ask permission my mom and dad would say yes, and they did. I also knew if she asked them they would believe her and not ask any questions or call her parents. So that was it, the lie was in place, I was going to Iowa. I was so excited, it worked, I couldn't believe it. Up till this point I had never really lied to my parents before so once the initial excitment went away I started to feel bad. I got real paranoid. I couldn't help but wonder what they would do if they found out, and how bad it would hurt them. I couldn't stop envisioning the look on my dad's face, and the disappointment in his eyes. I started to second guess going. I talked to Mandy about not going and she said she had my back, not to worry about my parents, and to go and have fun with Heather. I should not have went though thats for sure. Heather and I made it there and back ok and we had a blast at the concert. I came back home on Sunday and my parents didn't know anything. I felt like I had got away with it. About a month later my parents were talking to Heathers mom, her mom happend to mention somthing about Heather and I going to the concert. At that point my mom and dad found everything out. They confronted me when I came home from school that day and I have never felt worse than I did that day. They told me they knew and how disappointed they were, that was about it. Then dad woulden't even talk to me for over a week. I had done the one thing I never wanted to do, I hurt my dad, even worse I had brought my friend Mandy into it to.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

# 30 longest time without sleep

The longest time I have ever gone without sleeping was a little over two days. My daughter was only a couple of months old and I worked 3rd shift. It was really hard going back to work after being around my beautiful baby all the time. I loves to sit for hours and rock her while she fell asleep in my arms, now however, it was time to get back to my nursing home. I normally loves sleeping in the day and being up all night, but when my daughter came it began to get harder to sleep in the middle of the day. I had to work 6 days in a row that week and I was very tired already from not getting very much sleep with my baby. The first night was a little hard, but I couldn't wait to get home to hold my Lexi. She cried all day and only let me sleep for an hour while she did. that night I was very tired with only one hour of sleep. Little did I know that the next couple of days I would get even less, and I would have been grateful for that hour then! After work I picked her up and took her to a doctor's appointment. The we tried to get some groceries and go home to take a nap. But my little angel decided that she had slept too much the night before so she was very awake until it was time for me to go to work. At work that night I could nearly keep my eyes open, all I could imagine was sleeping in my warm bed snuggled in my covers. As i drove home I was hoping to be able to sleep for a little bit that day before work again. It was Sunday and her father didn't have to work so I wanted to sleep all day! My hopes of resting were soon shattered when I walked through the door to my crying child. The doctor said she had colic and that it would get better in a few months time. I could not have wished for that time to come sooner. That night at work I called my mother and asked her if she could watch my daughter for the next day so I could sleep. After work I drooped her off and finally got to sleep for eight hours! I never felt so rested in my life as I did that afternoon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Carry-concealed Laws in Illinois

I live in Illinois and the right to carry should be in place for us law abiding citizen. The government only shows what the criminals are doing with hand guns. They use shooting by criminals to detour our legislation on passing any right to carry laws so they don’t have to give us the to protect ourselves. I think its about time that we start posting all the good things about the right to carry. Truly if we have the right to carry criminals will think twice before trying to rob or burglarize some ones home or property. Criminals will still have firearms and will continue to commit crimes with firearms. We as law abiding citizens deserve the right to protect our family and our persons. We are asking the Illinois legislation to pass the right to carry in Illinois.

As of 2/21/09 there have been ten U.S. service members killed in ALL of Iraq, in February, in January there were 16 U.S. Service Members killed in Iraq and 20 homicides in Chicago, think about that for a minute, the City of Chicago is more dangerous than the entire Iraqi conflict zone and if it wasn't for the extreme winter weather, the number of homicides in Chicago would surely have been higher.
Superintendent Jody Weis would have you believe that the numbers of homicides in January were low because of enhanced policing in various hot spots around Chicago, well winter is coming to an end, there are 1600 less Chicago Police on the street than there really should be, the economy is circling the drain, and I for one am not looking forward to the crime and murder wave that will be kicking in when the weather gets better.
I know Mayor Daley will do everything in his power to prevent Illinois citizens from concealed carry and will counter that threat by adding those blue light cameras on every corner in Chicago, emulating London, the criminals don't care if they are spotted on the CCTV cameras, The 7/7 London bombers were captured on a number of cameras during their dry run and on the day of the bombings, A lot of good that did, Even the London police have said that after spending Billions on cameras, they are only able to solve less than 3% of crime with them.
If any of you think I'm pulling your leg, all this information is publicly available, I hope the anti-CCW crowd here can come up with some bright ideas, Maybe call Father Fleger in for another junk gun buy-back program, (Doubt that will get an AK-47 off the street) you would hope with the $342,000 a year Daley is paying Superintendent Weis, that he'd have some magic ideas to stem the gun violence and crime in Chicago, because keeping the law-abiding citizens of Illinois unarmed, the Chicago Police understaffed, and letting the scumbag homicide inclined animals have run of city is working so well. Contact your local and state representative and let them know there job depends on the passing of bill 245.