Thursday, March 25, 2010


The last time I saw my mother was fifteen years ago and I hope I never see her again. My mother was not the typical mom, she didn't care weather we lived or died so long as we kept her house clean. Not long after I was born my mother started having an affair with my now ex stepfather Woody. I remember hearing stories about what went on back then. I guess my mother was a pretty selfish person. The story kind of goes like this, my father came home from work one night to find myself and my sister in the house watching t.v. but my mom was no where to be found. My dad looked and looked until he found her having an affair in Woody's car parked in the ally behind our house. He went back inside and grabbed his shotgun, at that point he went and got my mom out of that car. My dad is a very forgiving person and was willing to look past this for the sake of his family. Dad went to work the next day, while he was gone mom took us and moved to Texas with Woody. When my dad got home he was devastated, he did not know what to do us kids were the only thing he had. He read the note mom left him assuring him we were ok. When we arrived in Texas mom called dad and told him if he wanted us come and get us. My dad got in the car right away and came to pick us up. When he arrived mom told him she was sorry and she wanted to come home, she said it was all a big mistake and my dad agreed to take her back. Half way back to Illinois she had a change in heart, she made my dad turn around and drive her back to Woody. Once mom got back to Texas she signed over all rights to us and gave my dad soul custody. From that point till I was sixteen I Talked to her on the phone maybe five times and never saw her face to face. Shortly after my sixteenth birthday mom contacted me to tell me she was in the area and asked would I like to see her, mom also contacted my sister but my sister wanted nothing to do with her. I agreed to meet her at a park on the following day, I just had some questions I needed answered. When I arrived at the park she acted like she was happy to see me, but I'm not so sure. I started talking to her about her life these past several years it was then I found out I had a brother and another sister in Texas and that she and Woody had split up. Of course she did the same thing with them and signed over all rights as there mother to Woody and left state never to see are talk to them again. I asked her how she could do that to all of her kids and her response was "I can't afford all that child support if I don't have rights I don't have to pay". I told her I didn't think that was a good reason to abandon four kids but I don't think she really cared. That's when she told me she was pregnant again with what was thought to be a girl but mom had no idea who the father was. I guess that's ok maybe she will be forced to take care of one of her children finally. I was pretty disgusted at that point so I politely told her I had somewhere to be and I left. I heard from her once more about four months after that, she said she had a baby girl and that she was living with my grandparents because even though she signed over her rights the courts still wanted her to pay child support so she wasn't going to work because she didn't think my dad are Woody deserved a dime from her. As far as I know my baby sister is all grown up, mom still lives with her parents and still won't work. What a woman five kids three men and two states. I really hope I never have to see are talk to her again and I have made a promise to myself that I will never follow in her footsteps.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Heide. That's pretty intense. I'm sorry for these experiences, but I can tell you've used them to make your life now stronger and better.
